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Staying In Charge (Alternator Repair)
Seems like these days, we're hearing about more and more electric or hybrid vehicles. Keep in mind that conventional gasoline internal combustion vehicles have important...
Always on Guard (TMPS)
One of the most important things you can do to keep your vehicle running safely is to make sure your tires are properly inflated. If...
Giving CV Joints the Boot! (CV Joint and Boot Replacement)
Ever wonder how your vehicle’s transmission is connected to your wheels? After all, when you hit a pothole or some other uneven part of a...
The Light Many Drivers Fear (Check Engine Light)
Ask just about any driver about one thing they fear seeing inside their vehicle and they'll say it's the Check Engine light coming on. You...
A Clean Sweep (Fuel Injector Cleaning)
Your vehicle gets its power from burning fuel, usually gasoline, and it counts on something called fuel injectors to send gas to the engine in...
Stopping “Brake” Downs (Brake Pad Replacement)
If someone tells you to put the brakes on something, you know it means stop. And stopping is one of the most important safety maneuvers...
Not-So-Smooth Operator (Transmission Signs of Trouble)
You are heading down a flat, newly paved street when all of a sudden you feel it. Your vehicle jumps a little bit when you're...
Let’s Clear Some Things Up (Headlight Restoration)
You know how exposing your skin to sunlight can cause sunburn and other unhealthy things. Sunlight can also create major problems for your headlights. After...