What Customers Should Know

Do you have a Clue (Get the Most Out of a Service Visit)

When you head to the doctor, you probably have it in your mind what you’re going to say about why you don’t feel good.  That way your doctor can use that information to diagnose your problem. You might want to think of that same approach when you take your vehicle in for a repair. Experts…

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No Strain, No Gain (The Basics of Oil Filters)

Ever wonder what one of the best things is to ever happen to your vehicle’s engine?  It’s the little thing that usually looks like a can, the oil filter. Just like your kitchen sink strainer filters out errant particles of food from clogging your drain, the oil filter cleans out small particles that could cause…

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Visibility Disaster! (Windshield Washer Pump Replacement)

Let’s say you live in a cold climate where the snowy, icy weather challenges you to clear the salt and debris tossed up on your windshield.  You push your windshield washer switch expecting a good stream of fluid so the blades can wipe the glass clean. Yet nothing comes out.  Nada, zip.  What’s going on?…

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Clean Slate (Protecting Vehicle’s Finish)

Winter is one of the hardest times to keep your vehicle clean. But did you know neglecting to wash your vehicle in winter could cost you a significant amount of money in the long run? Here’s why. Many areas deal with snow and ice in the winter, and the salt and sand that are used…

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Thoughtful Gifts for the Winter Driver

You may be one of those romantics who don’t like giving (or getting) practical gifts for special occasions.  Just wait until one of those gifts helps you out of a big predicament in cold weather, and you realize that practical gifts can be life savers. Here are a few things you may give the cold-weather…

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Low Power Mystery (Ignition Coil Service)

It’s no fun when your vehicle just doesn’t run the way it used to.   You may notice (especially in cold weather) the engine won’t start easily or when it does start, it doesn’t run smoothly. It may not have much power at all. You also may have had to stop at the gas station more…

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